Monday, September 2, 2013

Earlier this week, we received a handwritten letter dated August 22.   Enjoy!

Dear Family,

Nĭ mĕn hăo!  How are things at home?  Is everyone going crazy getting ready for school yet?  If I were you, I would wait until the last possible minute, then run around in a panic trying to prepare. ;)  I bet Dad has already been working at school for several days, right?  Well, I’m excited for all of you.  Noelle gets to be the (2nd) oldest Baer at MC, Lauren will join her, escaping from South Cache, Erin will be the best author at Spring Creek, and Evan will be a big bad 3rd grader!  Good luck to everyone, especially Mom, in trying to keep up with things this year! 

Thank you again for sending me mail, especially that package of goodies and razors.  Oh . . . . someone was just waiting until I asked you to send me a hymnbook, I know it.  Today someone came in and gave everyone in our district a Mandarin-Pinyin-English hymnbook, so I guess I don’t actually need you to ship me one.  Sorry.  The bookstore hasn’t had those for months, the other Elders say, but I swear the pile of Cantonese hymnbooks gets bigger each day, and nobody buys them.  Anyway, thanks again for the Virgil’s – my companions were happy I got that package, too.

I’m including with this letter the beginning of Evan’s Mercedes fund.  I found it in the ceiling of my residence.  It was left by some past missionary, as part of a secret treasure hunt that would direct the current residents to unscrew all the little metal lightswitch coverings and vents, and basically anything that unscrews from the wall.  Also, can you use the Dear Elder voucher and send me cookies for free?  That would be nice.  If it’s not free, or if you have to send a full package or something inconvenient (you know what I mean) it’s not worth it.

Lately, I’ve been reading a tiny Book of Mormon, and looking for answers to a specific question, as Elder Bednar advised in his “Character of Christ” devotional.  He said, “For each of your questions, read the Book of Mormon and write down your insights and impressions about the subject.  When you finish, write a summary of what you learned in the front, and then catalog it.  When you are my age, you should have a bookshelf of 400-500 copies of the Book of Mormon.”  I have been writing in and marking up that copy like crazy, and have been getting a flood of brand new, exciting insights – and I’m only in 1 Nephi 5!  I had to buy these fantastic pens to write because I write so much and the margins are so small.

Again, I love you all, and pray for you every day!


P.S. To answer Evan’s question, the MTC has 28 cereal towers!  We tried to finish a whole one as a district, but no fun is allowed at breakfast, and “they” shut us down. :(

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